Security Engineering Transformation

The Partner that Helps Reduce Your Security Risk 


Preparatory Security

Built-In Security for Your System

With Decades of Expertise at your Disposal 


Continuous Security 

Let us Help You Raise the Bar

To Reduce Risk for Your Unique System


Fielded Security 

Security Considerations

For Systems Out of Your Control 


Preparatory Security

Built-In Security for Your System With Decades of Expertise at your Disposal

If your engineering organization has not prioritized security in its software development lifecycle, it can be difficult to know where to begin.  For years so many organizations have had a bolt-on mentality to security. Ironically, the most important security decisions an organization can make are made before anyone even begins developing a product. From threat modeling to hardware selection, from the choice of programming languages to security design tradeoffs, Star Lab can help you create a repeatable and thorough process for reviewing pre-development security considerations.  We can also review and provide feedback on your current security assumptions and selections so you know where your organization can take a step forward.   


Continuous Security

Raise the bar to reduce risk for your unique system

 Continuous security is your ability to introduce security into your continuous integration / continuous delivery methodology.  There are standard practices for accomplishing this like tools for scanning your code for vulnerabilities and secrets, building software bill of materials, fuzzing your code, testing application programming interfaces (APIs), and assessing containers. Star Lab has experience with all these tools and can help you prioritize, select, and implement them in your software development lifecycle.  Furthermore, Star Lab can assist you in formulating a process for evaluating and remediating CVEs and other vulnerability information.  Finally, Star Lab can assist in formulating your security testing methodology, i.e, the steps you’re taking to deliver an internally validated secure product.  Your customers will value that your continuous security practices can be shown as effective. Star Lab can help you tun this into a competitive advantage.   


Fielded Security

Security considerations for systems out of your control

This is one of the most ignored areas of security.  A good plan and a sound continuous security approach are very important, but there must also be deliberate steps to protect devices that will operate under the control of a different party than who developed it.  Examples include wireless routers, IoT devices, robots, and additive manufacturing systems. These are systems that are not necessarily easily updated through a continuous security process like the one described above. Star Lab can provide guidance and support that can help you and your organization think through approaches, solutions, and pitfalls to applying security for this purpose. We used or enhanced many of the security technologies currently used to today protect embedded systems from a wide array of threat actors.  From the proper use of secure boot, device attestation, key management, and device hardening, Star Lab can help you secure you system for hostile environments.   


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