Expertise on-demand

Cutting-edge Security Experts At Your Disposal

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customized support

Our Security Capabilities

Catered to Your Needs


Your Long-Term Security Partner

What You Need

When You Need It


Customized support

Our Security Capabilities Catered to Your Needs 

Your security needs and required expertise can vary from each phase of your product lifecycle, and depends on your threat model, deployment scenario, and use case. We will work with you to fully customize your support offering, so you can tailor our expertise to help meet your specific needs. As they change throughout the lifecycle, no problem! We will be here when you need us. Our primary goal is to fill the gaps in your expertise, so you can continue to work on your most important tasks, with the peace of mind that comes with having a partner that can guide you on your build secure journey. 


 Your Long-term Security Partner 

What You Need. When You Need It. 

Your customized subscription allows you to call us when you need to, for whatever you need. Once we’ve worked with you to define your most critical needs, we use a solution-agnostic, hours-based model to determine your subscription value. Allow us to be your trusted, long-term partner and help you achieve your secure design goals. Flexible access to our Star Lab’s security engineers, experience, and knowledge. 


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