Adversarial services

A Good Defense is Just Half the Battle

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Architecture Security Assessments

Security Expertise

For Your Most Critical Needs 


Threat Modeling

Customized Security

for your unique System


 Red Team Assessments 

Offensive Tactics

to Thwart Attacker’s Methods 


Threat Modeling

Customized Security for your Unique System

At Star Lab, we know not all embedded systems are the same. Each use case, deployment scenario, and application creates a unique set of security challenges. Further, as industries innovate to disrupt the status quo, the threat landscape innovates as well. Assessing your potential attack surfaces and iterating through the various tactics and techniques that an adversary can use to compromise your system, and your critical IP, can save you money and time in the long-term.

Often, the main driver for your security architecture comes down to filling the requirements handed to you. However, our approach to security, using secure-by-design and defense-in-depth principles enables you to go beyond those requirements to meet the specific needs of your system. 


ArchitecturAL Security Assessments 

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Security Expertise For Your Most Critical Needs 

For teams further along in their development cycle with existing security architectures, Star Lab applies the same secure-by-design mindset to audit your current security posture to identify potential gaps and pinpoint points of exposure for your IP.

Star Lab’s engineering team has exceptional proficiency in multiple domains and is uniquely qualified to assess your security posture to enable defense-in-depth. 


Red Team Assessments 

Offensive Tactics to Thwart Attacker’s Methods 

 Gain insight into the vulnerabilities a potential attacker would exploit to breach your existing system through red team assessments executed by Star Lab expert engineers. Illuminate the risks you are taking with currently fielded systems by letting Star Lab play the role of your most likely or your most feared adversary. Whether it is a nation-state adversary or one of your competitors, having red team assessment equips your team to prioritize your most critical attack vectors and threat models.  


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